We discuss use cases that can be solved using AI, after which we initiate a proof-of-concept (POC) version in collaboration with your team. This allows for continuous feedback and improvisation. Once our work adds sufficient value to meet the requirements, we assist in initiating and implementing a plan to put the use case into production.
How do we help implement AI?
AI Assessment
Computer Vision
Data Analytics and Insights
Speech Recognition and Processing
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Chatbots and Virtual Assistants


Defect Identifications: Image and Video Analytics

In its ongoing effort, the QHills team is experimenting with real-time capturing of video/images of the manufactured textile roll to identify defects that lead to the rejection of cloths at client ends. In this initiative, the QHills team earned the capability of applying image and video analytics to critical industrial applications.

NLP: Extracting Meaningful Information

Medical Image AI
In its ongoing effort, the QHills team is experimenting with real-time capturing of video/images of the manufactured textile roll to identify defects that lead to the rejection of cloths at client ends. In this initiative, the QHills team earned the capability of applying image and video analytics to critical industrial applications.

Impact Analysis
The RPG Foundation’s ESD program is run in the rural areas of most of the states with the purpose of developing skills in students to help them get employment. Based on available data, plots and graphs have been generated which demonstrates the impact analysis of ESD programs.

In 2019,districts of South Maharashtra were severely affected by floods. Information and news about them are scattered, and don't give consolidated understanding and insights to manage such situations. Apart from scattered data available with the public authorities, the QHills team compiled news reports, textual and videos to analyze meteorological, public service delivery, geographical, and disaster management perspectives of managing the flood situation.
Insights: Flood Situation in South Maharashtra

Image recognition, Object detection and Recommendation
Luxury items like jewellery are aspirational purchases, where designs and their references matter. QHills team is working on an idea of searching similar images from large swathes of images distributed across the retail players to recommend the same or similar design available in an intuitive way.
From a large and multi source text inputs located and extracted meaningful information for a client providing data led marketing insights. Handled millions of data sources, created a data frame, developed models for various use cases, trained them and enhanced accuracy with intense data and ML operations.

SEO Metric Extraction & ML Algorithm for Analyzing Contributing Metrics

JavaScript-Heavy Website Scraper
We developed a specialized solution to extract data from JavaScript-rendered websites that resist conventional scraping methods. Our tool effectively bypasses these limitations to retrieve data from dynamic web pages.
Automated Data generation for Business cards
Using scraping techniques, our team developed a solution for extracting complex metrics from websites. We also created a rank predictor algorithm with explainable AI to analyze which metrics contributed most to rankings.


Using scraping techniques, our team developed a solution for extracting complex metrics from websites. We also created a rank predictor algorithm with explainable AI to analyze which metrics contributed most to rankings.